
Fofita 4/15/24

Holaa todos! It's me again! I'm sure you've all just been dying to hear from me since my last email so let's get right to it ;)  Some highlights from this week: Thursday night I got to have makeshift intercambios with Hermana Fernandes en Chacabuco!! It was so fun to remember all of our adventures in Santa Rosa! Plus this time we could actually communicate.  Me and Hermana Pinar went and got some milanesa sandwiches from a kinda sketchy house/restaurant, but they were actually fuego and super cheap, I highly recommend! Hung out with a bunch of the hermanas while we waited to meet our hijas! GOT MY HIJA!! Her name's Hermana Huaraca and she's from Peru! She's actually the sweetest ever and is just the cutest little capa!  We had quite the adventure on our first day that included:  missing our colectivo (I promise it wasn't our fault) having to wait in the terminal with our 6 huge suitcases for more than 3 hours getting told I'm not a child of God by a

I avoided teen pregnancy! (barely) 4/11/24

Fua what a week! Since the last time I talked to you I have..  Watched general conference!! Literally so so good, if you haven't watched it yet go do it now! I loved Elder Uchtdorf's talk about joy! Turned 20 years old! Finished 7 months in the mission! I also found out I'M GONNA BE A MOM!! (I’m training a new missionary) I thought for sure that I was gonna leave San Francisco, but God's got much better plans and I'm soo excited for this transfer!! They're also dividing our area and putting in another companionship of hermanas so we get to live in 4 again which is gonna be a party! The other hermana is training too, so we're gonna have 2 babies in San Fran!  Despite still having dengue, we were dying from being inside all day and started to go out to work! Luckily God's looking out for us and it finally started to cool down! Had a much needed intercambios with Hermana Silva!!  The branch threw a little farewell party for Mia and Lola! They're serious

Chau noviacitas hermosas 4/1/24

Guess who finally got dengue! After successfully avoiding it for a whole month, both my comp and I joined the rest of San Fran in the dengue club.  Saturday I barely slept because I had this weird headache behind my eyes and my stomach hurt, but I didn't have a fever so I figured there's no way it's dengue. So we kept working like normal, had district p-day in Arroyito on Monday and I was lowkey dying but pushed through the pain just to lose a game of soccer and a whole bunch of uno games. Tuesday was the same, and on Wednesday my entire body hurt and I could barely keep my eyes open. We visited our friend Ruth, who’s a nurse, and she informed us that I do in fact have dengue and that Thursday would be the worst day.  Thursday we woke up and learned two things, Ruth was right, and Hermana Mascarenhas has dengue too. Friday we were tired of being inside all day and from drinking Argentine water  so we went in our pajamas to buy powerades! We had to go to two different stores

Me encanta la reunión sacramental 3/25/24

Holaa todos! So sorry I had no time to write an email last week so here's just a quick update on the last little bit! Played soccer for p-day for the first time in my mission. I may have gotten a little bit competitive!  Had Zone conference!! It was so good! We talked all about becoming/helping others become lifelong disciples of Christ! Plus I got to see my bestie Hermana Jensen! We're still praying for the day we get to be comps! LIDIA GOT BAPTIZED!! I mean it when I say that Lidia is the most kind, loving, selfless person I've ever met! She's become our mom here in San Fran and I just love her so much!  Had zone p-day in Arroyito! Played some more soccer, ate some churi pan and played some Uno! Plus I bought the sickest shorts, son buenísimo  Celebrated Hermana Mascarenhas’ birthday!! The members here are so precious and surprised her with a birthday cake! Went to visit one of our friends and they had a little baby pig! It even had a little sweater! I have literally


So I've learned I'm horrible at taking pictures. this week we quite literally took one, so sorry, you're gonna have to read a little more this week!  Starting off with the one picture I've got… SELENA GOT BAPTIZED!! She is actually the sweetest person I've ever met, and she was soo excited for her baptism! She said she was talking to her mom about wanting to serve a mission which is seriously so cool!  I don't think I'll ever find anyone more elegido than her on my mission. Her mom is an inactive member, and a couple weeks ago they just showed up at church. We assumed they were all members, but talked with them after sacrament meeting and sat next to her in Relief Society. We got her number and said we were gonna come visit them during the week. In our first lesson with her she told us that she isn't baptized but that she wants to be, so we got to work, put a fecha and started teaching her everything! Since then she's come to church every week, with

VAMO LA MAC 3/4/24

Holaa otra vez! I feel like I just poured out my soul to you guys like yesterday, so I'll do you a favor and keep this one nice and short!  After transfers we got right to work! Friday and Saturday we ended the day actually dead and feeling grosser than ever before, the humidity here is actually killer. Sunday testimony meeting was fuego! Selena and Lidia both came which was so good! They're both so ready for their baptisms!  Shout out to Hna Gerstner for the dress   BEST MOM EVER This week I'm learning how to slow down. Everyone who knows me knows that I like to go fast, walk fast, talk fast, learn fast. But the last few days I've learned that fast isn't always better if it ends up killing your companion, makes it harder for people to understand you, and blinds you from the people around you who need your help  I found this banger of a talk in my personal study and am really trying to apply it! Slow down and focus on the things that matter most!  Of Things That Mat